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Move 4: Real World Example

For this move I decided to try and make my Capstone a little bit more interesting by using a real-world example. For this I decided to use two people that I thought displayed some very significant differences despite being in the same political party. I explore a similar quality list to those previously discussed. This list includes Honest, Compassionate, Intelligent, Organized, Innovative, Ambitious, and Decisive. These are the qualities deemed most important by the American public. I go through each of these qualities and look at who uses each most effectively and how it effects the American publics percerption of them as leaders. Bernie Sanders ended up winning the most amount of qualities as he is more Honest, Compassionate, Innovative, Descisive and Ambitious than Hilary. For example I discuss many of the reasons why I believe this is true, and I use examples to demonstrate Bernie's unwavering views on many policies in order to correctly attribute him with the Descisive and Ambitious vote. Not only did Bernie earn many of these qualities but he also earned the previously aforementioned most important quality, Communication. Although Hilary is more confident, Bernie understands what the people want and refuses to be silenced for money. Because of this I believe he is a better leader. 


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